Just slow down…

Are you ready for Saturday to come even though it’s only Monday? You feel the need for a break? Me too.
Problem is that we need a good reason to slow it all down; to stop running through life at a million miles an hour, because we need permission sometimes, don’t we? One of the things we find hardest is taking time for ourselves, so if we can just find an external source of permission, we’d be dandy.
Your wish is my command. Here’s a brilliant reason to take the time to slow down. It comes from this cool article I read the other day. This was the point I liked the most:
Human beings are designed to pulse rhythmically between spending and renewing energy. That’s how we operate at our best. Maintaining a steady reservoir of energy — physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually — requires refuelling it intermittently.
We’re not meant to be on full throttle. We’re not designed to be able to keep going like a duracell bunny. It’s in our make up to rest! It’s who we are. That’s some pretty solid permission! :0>
Sure, there’s a lot to do, but living is about so much more than getting through your to-do list. Seriously. It can wait.
As we are a 2-4-1 kind of culture these days and we like getting more than we bargain for. Here are my favourite ways of hitting that recharge button AND getting leaner and healthier into the bargain. Double whammy!
Eat Slow
Use your meal breaks as a moment to breathe. Sit with your food and just eat. Don’t answer emails with a fork in your hand. Don’t plough through your lunch with your eyes fixed on the tv or eat your dinner with Facebook as your companion. Use your meals as a moment to plug yourself into the mains (not literally) and take a breath during your busy day.
Train Slow
Do your exercise routine mindfully, and by that, I mean tune in just to that. Focus on your movements. Think about how you’re moving, check your posture, be aware of your body. Use your exercise session as a meditation and you’ll get a lot more from it.
Live Slow

Take some time for yourself every day. At frequent intervals. Watch a bit of Netflix if you like. Finish work at a reasonable hour and when you’re done, you’re done. Drink some tea, go for a walk, play with a balloon. Just start prioritising you and your needs as highly as all the things you have to do.
Take time to eat, take time to exercise, take time to chill. Slow it all down and the rewards will come in spades! And you’ll feel a zillion times better. Woo yeah!