Top 10 Lipstick Lesbian New Year's Love Resolutions
Christmas can be a lonely time if you are single. Have you spent the holiday season so far watching the re-runs of Christmas films, over and over? A Wonderful Christmas may not be so wonderful without a girlfriend, watching all the other couples snuggled up, thinking how you wish you had that with someone special.
Yet it can be a great time to chat and meet people online and create something amazing for the New Year, starting off how you mean to carry on. It’s a time when people make New Year’s resolutions.
So girls, do something about it. Pull yourself together, realise how great you are, and how lucky someone will be to have you. Get online, flirt and find your femme …..
Let’s make 2014 an exciting time for YOU!
1. Learn to love yourself whilst finding love (practice masturbation).
2. If you haven’t got a pet, adopt an animal. The great thing about adopting an animal is that you can love one, talk about them on your dates and not have to worry about who’s going to look after them if you sleep over. And lesbians love a woman who cares about endangered species!

3. Join a lesbian friendly organisation like a holiday company or cool clothes shop so that you get something out of it too. It doesn’t need to be Fair Trade either. Not all of us look good in that garb!
4. Buy the best first date outfit in the sales and feel proud that you will look amazing and have saved some money. (This will of course make you feel good on the inside too).
5. Take action! Message at least one woman a week on Pink Lobster Dating. Someone has to make the first move and women love women with confidence.
6. Create your New Year video profile on Pink Lobster Dating so that you stand out of the femme crowd. You don’t need to go on and on for hours, sometimes one funny quote or quirky comment can be all that is needed. How could you not fall for a woman who says:
‘I have a friend who’s a lesbian and I haven’t even touched her yet.’
‘Don’t dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians. I prefer lobster.’
7. Get your friends to help! Have a girlie candle night in or something like that and get your friends to help you pick out the best femmes and write messages together. Sometimes you need your friends to give you that initial shove! Just don’t get too drunk and snog them all, that’s not what this night is all about.
8. Write a blog about you. You can write a blog here in the safety of our femme community. This is a great way to focus yourself on all your amazing qualities and remind yourself how great you really are. Plus she may read it… and it makes a great conversational topic for dates.
9. DON’T JOIN A GYM – everyone else will be telling you to do this, but don’t do it unless you want to. If you want to keep fit there are lots of ways to do this, even if it’s just buying the Carmen Electra keep fit video and you end up just watching it and focussing on point 1.

10. Fall in love with a femme – if you follow all of the above she will come your way. Remember in order to find love you have to get off your cute little butt! So get messaging, get flirting and ladies just get out and date, date, date!