Want to be Happy?
These are the 12 Things Happy People Do Differently

What makes a person happy? Is it financial abundance, the right partner, good luck or a mix of all these? Being happy is way more than a feeling, it’s a choice, a mindset.
Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky show that people who were identified as "happy" did certain things differently than others. Here are some choices and habits of happy people that you can adopt to be happy.
Be grateful - When you are grateful for what you already have, you draw more good things into your life. Happy people do not miss any chance to express gratitude. Although you must strive to better your life, make sure you do not lose sight of the things you already possess. Being grateful is the best way to bring a wonderful shift in your feelings and attitude towards life. It helps you cope with stress and enhances your self-worth too.
Practice seeing the positive - Whatever we focus on in life that grows. Happy people know this. What separates winners from others is the ability of the former to see the best in every situation. For them, failures are just stepping-stones to success that present excellent opportunities to learn and grow. No matter what the circumstance, seek out the positive and you will be the better for it.
Compete with your self – Everyone moves at their own pace, so why draw parallels? When we compare ourselves with others who are better off, we feel demoralized and tend to dismiss our hard work. On the other hand, when we feel superior to others, it inflates our ego. Both are unhealthy. If you have to compare and compete with anyone, let it be with a former version of yourself. Strive to be better than what you were yesterday.
Perform random acts of kindness - Doing something good for others releases the happy hormone, serotonin in our brain. Did you know that anti-depressants work by stimulating the same hormone? Service is the best antidote to depression. Helping someone without expecting anything is return is a great way to feel purposeful and happy. What’s more - it makes people around you who are watching you do the good deeds feel great and inspired too. Moreover, studies show a strong connection between a helping attitude and well-being and longevity.
Maintain good relations - It has been proved that people who have deep, loving relationships are the happiest. A feeling of being connected with families, friends, neighbors and communities works wonders. A strong social fabric acts as a buffer against depression and other ailments. Happy people have an excellent network of loved ones.
Build good coping skills - What gives strength to your character is your ability to deal with crises in life. Problems are inevitable. It helps to have healthy strategies in place to deal with them. Instead of feeling bogged down by a seemingly insurmountable problem, happy people view it as a challenge. It presents to them an opportunity to correct their previous mistakes, learn something new and get a new perspective. A positive attitude while facing challenges is an asset.
Practice forgiveness - Nurturing hatred in the heart has never done any good to anyone. When you are continuously feeling negative towards someone, you put yourself at great risk. Holding grudges and wanting to get even can cloud your entire life. Forgiving those who have wronged you can free you from the spiral of anger, hatred and revenge. Release those toxic emotions and feel the freedom.
Have more flow experiences - Flow is when you are so completely absorbed with the job at hand that you do not feel the passage of time. You are aware, totally focused and absolutely in the present moment. Find things that engage your attention fully, and do a lot of them every day. Most accomplished people are engaged in things they intuitively felt drawn to do and which they felt was their “calling” in life.
Slow down your pace - If your life is only about rushing from one deadline to another, you are headed for a burnout. With so many distractions around, it is easy to forget the simple joys of life. De-clutter your life and get clear about priorities. Take time off, slow down and experience the beauty of the present moment.
Move with commitment - Happy people have found their passion in life and are engaged in pursuing them wholeheartedly. Having meaningful life goals and working towards the same is one of the most important strategies to be happy. Life moves with a sense of dedication towards our goals. A woman who knows where she is going in life is in much better control and happier.
Be spiritual - When we take time out to nurture our spiritual side, we realize the purpose of our existence. We are more connected to the Source and are filled with greater energy. Most successful people meditate daily to center their thoughts, de-clutter their mind and connect to their inner selves. If you want an unshakable smile on your face, a few quiet moments of quiet contemplation everyday is an imperative.
Take good care of your body - Your body, mind and emotions are connected to each other. If you are not in great shape physically, this will have an effect on every other aspect of your being and life. A study conducted on clinically depressed people who exercised consistently for six months showed remarkable improvement in their happiness quotient and sense of self worth. You don’t have to engage in rigorous workouts or intense running to be fit; just a brisk walk around your neighborhood can do you a world of good.
True happiness is not some scientific formula. It already exists within you; you just need to find your own key to open it. Happy people are happy because they have decided to make themselves happy.
So next time you think you are unhappy because you have not met Miss Right yet, think again. Try emulating some of happy people’s habits and watch your life transform into something truly beautiful and fulfilling (Oh! and by the way, you will attract your dream girl in the process).