A Moment of Pure Clarity
A moment of madness; it happens to all. But that light bulb moment is pure genius. Our minds are hard wired but our hearts are not. When the two combine it really is a moment of clarity. ‘Oh what am I letting myself in for?’, we say silently at first. Until the moment sets in 'oh my gosh ! ' I'm in love with her. Will she love me back ? What next ? Who knows. embrace that moment when it hits you. I wish I could bottle it and buy it ! When minds and hearts collide it’s beyond words. Watch out world - I was born to survive !

A Moment of Pure Clarity !
Oh my gosh
It's happened
I see
The moment it passed
Can you maybe see?
In the lie there is hidden truth
You can't see it at first
You need to look
To really see
Here I am at last
I am free
Look over here
Where I stand
Look see me
The pure white light
The truth behind the lie
The clarity in me
My sexuality was never a question
Look I am me
A rainbow of song
Quietly be
So the answer you seek
Is no taboo
Because I am me and you are you
Lean in close
Listen to my heart
Sound of the pure
Clarity of heart.