Femmephobia: Diverse we stand, divided we fall
Femmephobia: Diverse we stand, divided we fall
Externally the letters LGBTQ signify a community. We stand together against the outside force of homophobia, but internally we are still divided by prejudice. This is because we ...
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Lesbian Comedy: Funny or Fishy?
A lesbian walks into a bar...
Probably with a suitcase if she's on a second date. She'll order some liquor... but will only hook up once a month if she's a vampire (the rest of the time she...
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Mind the Lesbian Friend Zone
Mind the Zone
I'm pretty sure we're all familiar with the concept of The Friend Zone. Even the Oxford English Dictionary acknowledges it, as 'a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom...
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Getting to the heart of Valentine’s Day
Getting to the heart of Valentine’s Day
Whether you think of Valentine’s Day as a sweet light-hearted tradition, a destined arrow through the heart, or a nauseating bombardment of red and pink ...
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LGBT History Month: What's the story? The question of LGBT Ancestry
What's the story? The question of LGBT Ancestry
October is LGBT History Month in the US. The UK marks this in February, but as with all histories, we live amongst LGBT history every day; through the rights tha...
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You say vulnerability, I say connection
Y ou say vulnerability, I say connection
Writing the profile. Choosing the photos. Clicking 'send'. Walking into...
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Why Blue is the Warmest Colour left me tepid
Acclaimed 'lesbian film' Blue is the Warmest Colour is now released on DVD. I put lesbian film in quotes as I'm aware it can be a contested term, depending on whether a film is made by, for, with, or depicting lesbians, or whether we ...
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Fearless femmes for 2014
Fearless Femmes for 2014
As 2013 ended, I did the customary reflection back on the year and look ahead to 2014. I know it sounds cliched (and potentially a bit OCD), but I like to think about different aspects of my life - family, friends, work, he...
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Are Femme Lesbians Now Being Seen in the Right Way?
Some thought-provoking things have happened over the past few weeks. Lesbians seem to be making it further into mainstream media, using our own voices, rather than just being reported on.... A study in the Metro reported that 7.9 % of women say they are in a same sex relati...
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Walking Effortlessly from Page to Screen
A review of "She Walks In Beauty" by Nicole Conn
'I see all the scenes spinning about like european cinema'. I'm with Nicole Conn's narrator, Spencer Atwood, on this one. She Walks in B...
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Worth getting swept away: A review of Spring Tide
Tides are strong, powerful, all-encompassing - and scary for it. But they also hypnotic and strangely comforting. They're not safe but they always return. And so is the dynamic of Suzy and Lan's relationship in Spring Tide ; beautifully written by Carol Vin...
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Fun but too fast
A review of The Speed Twins (written by Maureen Chadwick, directed by Simon Evans)
It's a Tuesday evening in September and we appear to have entered a lesbian afterlife (set in a basement nightclub, naturally). Dus...
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The Age Old Question
Ellen and Portia. Mary and Melanie. Clare and Alice. What do they have in common? They're all lesbian couples? Yes. They're all in civil partnerships? Yes . One or both identify as femme? I don't know but I don't think so.... What I'm actually thinking about is the f...
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Unhealthy Competition
Competition. It’s seen as the thing that can make us or break us in different areas of life. In relationships, it’s definitely usually on the ‘break’ side. Competition seems contrary to the idea of equality in a relationship; to loving an individual for who t...
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Femme-inology: The faces of femmes in 2013
How many times have you read those 'what type of personality/career woman/partner are you?' magazine articles and either dismissed them as rubbish or felt a bit freaky as none of the categories adequately describe you? I have, often, and yet I'll still read them and then self-analyse...
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Great expectations
I've been thinking about an analogy for expectations and have decided that they are a bit like genies in lamps (bear with this)... They make us wish for things, but they're also limiting. And yet we are hard-wired to have them. At their best, our expectations set standards - make us...
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Femmephobia – the hidden prejudice
There's no fear, break-up pain, or unrequited agony that can't be faced from within, but sadly there is still prejudice that femmes face from the outside which isn't ours to overcome. I'm not talking about homophobia - I'm talking about the more specific and over-looked issue...
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Women first, femmes second?
This post was going to be called 'all the things about my identity that aren't to do with being femme', but that was too wordy. You get the gist of what I'm about to say though. Being recognised as a femme is important in terms of both personal identity and social visibility, but...
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