"My dog keeps licking her girlie bits and besides being unslightly is this anything to be concerned about and any tips to help stop her from doing it especially in public? "
"Ahhhh the licking of girly bits, there's certainly a time and a place for it and the middle of your dinner party is always going to feel a bit inappropriate. I would only be concerned if the licking is excessive. Does she stop mid squirrel chase to check her nether regions? Or is it more of an evening wind down hobby? If it's the first one, take a look at the skin around that area. Is it red? Swollen? (Other than the normal in season swelling). Are there any rashes or changes in skin pigmentation? Have you noticed any unusual discharge? Any of these things could suggest an infection so pop her to your vets to get checked out. If it's the latter then this is normal. It means she's keeping herself clean and helping to prevent the afore mentioned.
You may just notice that during her seasons (if she's entire) she spends a bit more time tending to her lady parts. Tips to stop her doing it at socially inappropriate times.... I employ this tactic on my hound Jack. A loud gasp followed by a shaming one liner such as "Jack!!! There are ladies present!" This has varying levels of success. Sometimes he stops in his tracks and looks suitably sheepish and other times there is a brief pause before he resumes. Either way everyone has had a little laugh and it just feels a bit less awkward. If your dog is immune to shaming then distraction is key with her favourite toys or chews."
Good luck!